Steering committee

Lei è qui: InLoox Project management glossary Steering committee

Gremium, das Projekt und Unternehmen verbindet

A steering committee is the highest decision-making board of the project organization in project management and consists of the people in charge of the project at the customer's organization, sometimes of representatives of all project stakeholders. Its main task is to monitor the project. The committee is appointed at the beginning of the project. The appointed project manager will propose a project team consisting from the different directors, company units and experts, which can help with technical and methodological questions. The assignment of the responsibilities will be defined together with tasks and objectives.

The structure created specifically for the project fulfills the project control feature. The members are also authorized to discuss or to report about the occurred problems, e.g. plan deviations, project body and milestone meetings. The main tasks of the project body are: to formulate a project order, to set an objective, to allocate resources, to delay a project; to release a budget, to release project phases; to support a project manager; to set priorities, to make decisions that are outside of the project manager competence.

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