Vorgänge und Meilensteine anlegen

Lei è qui: InLoox Supporto Documentazione Centro d'aiuto online InLoox Web App 11.0 Alle Kategorien | InLoox 11 Web App Planung Create, edit, and delete new planning elements... Vorgänge und Meilensteine anlegen

To create activities and milestones, proceed as follows:

1. Open the InLoox Web App. You are now directly in the project list.

2. Create a new project or select an existing project from the project list.

3. Then click on the Planning tab. The planning consists of the planning list on the left, and the Gantt chart in the calendar view on the right.

Projektplanung in InLoox Web App: Planungsliste & Gantt-Chart in der Kalenderansicht

Tip It is recommended to display additional columns in the planning list, such as Start, End or WSB code. To find out how this works, see Add columns to the planning list.

Info You can show a respective area also in full screen. To do so, click on the arrows on the boundary line.

Bereiche der Gantt-Planung einblenden und ausblenden

4. Click on the button New activity. A new activity is created and the new planning element is visualized in the Gantt chart.

Planungselemente - Vorgang als Balken, Meilenstein als Raute

5. To create a milestone, click on the blue button New Milestone.

Neuen Meilenstein in Gantt-Planung anlegen

Alternatively, by right-clicking on the planning element you can convert it into a milestone/activity.

Info Activities are displayed as bars and milestones are diamond shaped.

6. Give the activity/milestone a title, e.g. Kick-off Meeting.

ATTENTION If you do not schedule these newly created planning elements (i.e. you have not set a start and/or end date) right away, InLoox will use the creation date of the project for milestones. Activities will also start at the creation date of the project and will be given a duration of one day (with a default setting of 8 work hours).