Save, load, import and export planning templates

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Working with planning templates is a convenient way to create project schedules quickly and easily. If you have frequently recurring projects, it makes sense to save your own Gantt planning as a template for other projects.

For an introduction to the templates, watch our video-tutorial: templates » 

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Save new planning template

Load InLoox planning template

Import planning template

Export planning template

Load InLoox planning template

If InLoox plannings have already been saved as templates in your database, you can use them for a new project.

1. Create a new project or open an existing project.

2. Navigate to the project planning.

3. Click on the Templates button on the right side. Now you will see all existing planning templates on your database.

4. Select the desired template.

5. In the new window Load planning template you now define the time frame for the planning. Select Automatic calculation if you want the start date to be the same as the creation date.

IMPORTANT If planning elements with restrictions have been saved in the template, InLoox will adopt these settings when importing the template. Thus, start and end constraints that may be in the past will be applied and all planning elements will have to be adjusted manually.

If you want to set the start date manually, select Manual calculation. Then you can select a date.

IMPORTANT If planning elements with restrictions have been saved in the template, InLoox will NOT apply these settings when importing the template. Start and end constraints are not applied and all planning elements with the constraint Start = As early as possible are imported. This facilitates the further processing of the planning and is the recommended procedure by InLoox.

6. Load resource data: The resource assigned to the task and the estimated effort, if any, are taken from the InLoox template. If you do not check the box, these fields will remain empty in the tasks.

7. Load completion data: The Completed marker will be transferred. Planning elements will eventually be marked as completed in the new planning.

8. Click OK. The planning template is now loaded into the Gantt Chart.

Save new planning template

To save a new, self-created planning as a template, proceed as follows:

1. Create a Gantt planning that you want to use as a template.

2. Click on the Templates button on the right side.

3. Select Save plan as template.

4. Give the template a name and confirm with Save.

5. You will find the planning template when you click on the button Templates.
Info Under Manage templates you can delete, rename and download the template.

Vorlagen importieren

Auf unserer Website finden Sie zahlreiche InLoox-Planungsvorlagen zum Download. Diese InLoox Planungs-Dateien (mit der Endung *.inlooxplanning oder *xml) können Sie in InLoox Web App importieren. Gehen Sie dabei wie folgt vor:

1. Legen Sie ein neues Projekt an oder öffnen ein bestehendes Projekt & navigieren Sie zur Planung.

2. Klicken Sie rechts auf den Button Vorlagen und dann auf Vorlagen verwalten.

3. Im neuen Fenster klicken Sie oben auf den Button Vorlage hochladen und wählen die entsprechende Datei von Ihrem PC aus.

4. Geben Sie der Vorlage einen Namen und bestätigen mit Speichern.

5. Die importierte Planungsvorlage können Sie nun unter Ihren Vorlagen finden und diese per Klick laden.

Import einer Planungsvorlage in InLoox Web App

Export planning template

When you export a planning as a template, you save it to your server or local storage.

1. Click on the Templates button on the right and then on Manage templates.

2. In the new window you can download the corresponding template. The template is saved as an XML file.