CA Coaching

Lei è qui: InLoox Azienda Clienti Rapporti di valutazione CA Coaching


CA Coaching
Gerd Rodenbüsch
Escherstr. 23
30159 Hannover
Tel: 0511-21555688
Fax: 0511-21555689


  • CA Coaching Hanover proved effective support to new firms.
  • Administration and control costs reduced by 60%.
  • Functionality, operation and integration with Microsoft Outlook guarantee efficient project management.


"Our administration and control costs have lowered by 60% while project transparency has improved. At the same time we only need half as much of paper: all documents are now stored in the InLoox project management system."

Gerd Rodenbüsch

Business consultancy CA Coaching benefits from the Outlook-integrated project management solution InLoox

The business consultancy CA Coaching in Hanover celebrated its first birthday on 01.08.2005. Up to now the company has helped over three hundred companies to reach autonomy. CA's activities cover all steps of a business start-up and are offered as an all-encompassing package. The amount of activity ranges from the initial start-up support application with the Federal Labour Agency to the certified business plan. CA Coaching offers a vast variety of services.

Within that year the company received so many consulting assignments that the management of projects with mere Excel tables was all but possible. As the workload continued to grow the demands on a project management system were soon set out: Project control and charging should be essential functions, as well as an intuitive and easy way of use.

"We went for InLoox because of the functionality, the ease of use and the integration with Microsoft Outlook, which guaranteed efficient project management", says Gerd Rodenbüsch, proprietor of CA Coaching.

"In the run-up to the installation InLoox was exhaustively tested and today the Workgroup Edition is installed at six workplaces. The Microsoft credo of 'Plug and Play' applies wholly to InLoox", as Gerd Rodenbüsch is glad to confirm.

Each client of CA Coaching is registered as a project, allowing 160 start-ups to be supported at once, with all necessary steps chronologically coordinated. The success of the InLoox application is strongly based on the budget management and start-up support application with the Federal Labour Agency. Monitoring of incoming payments via status list is 100% reliable.

Gerd Rodenbüsch takes stock of the first 100 days of using InLoox:

"Our administration and control costs have lowered by 60% while project transparency has improved. At the same time we only need half as much of paper: all documents are now stored in the InLoox project management system."

All CA Coaching clients get to know InLoox, since they are able to follow the setting up of their own project live at the terminal. This encourages the customer's confidence in our services and in the professionalism of our consultants. Customer satisfaction is the best reference a firm can have and now, following successful process modelling and test operation, InLoox is being used for profiling founders of new businesses throughout CA's group of companies.

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