Search and filter projects

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The project list offers you several options to find a project you are looking for. This chapter shows how to use the search function and filters when searching a project.

Search function

1. To open the project list click on Projects in the InLoox PM or InLoox now tab.

2. Click on the Search projects box above the project list. 

The Search projects box in the project list

3. All projects that include the entered text are shown. The search results are accessible on a side panel, even when you are opening a project.

4. When you are finished close the search function by clicking on the X next to the Search projects box.

Quick filters 

With the new Excel-style quick filters, you can now refine your search in table views even more easily. Depending on the field type, extended text and date filters are available. For example, you can filter your project or task list by different date ranges:

Click on the funnel icon, which will appear if you mouse-over a column header. Then select the Date Filters tab. 

InLoox for Outlook: New filter options

How to filter the project list [advanced]

1. To open the project list click on Projects in the InLoox PM or InLoox now tab.

2. Click on Filter in the start tab.

3. Create a filter criteria. 

How to filter the project list

4. Click on Ok. InLoox shows all projects that meet your criteria.