Which notifications are being sent in InLoox now!?

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Which notifications are being sent in InLoox now! and who receives those notifications?


InLoox now! sends out automatic and predefined group notifications. This means that when the dataset is changed, certain people in certain project roles get notified by default. These people can individually set how often they want to receive these notifications, e.g. hourly, daily, or weekly. It’s also possible to notify people manually in certain areas. 

Here is a list of the default notifications and who receives them by default:

Project area

Dataset modification Persons notified by default
Project resource added (view example) Resource that has been added to project
Project resource removed (view example) Resource that has been removed from project
Project note added (view example) Project manager
Project note deleted Project manager

Tasks area

Dataset modification Persons notified by default
Task note added Resource assigned to task
Task note deleted Resource assigned to task
Task resource added (view example) Resource assigned to task
Task resource removed Resource assigned to task
Task resource edited Former and new resource assigned to task
Task added All project members
Task deleted Resource assigned to task
Task edited (view example) Resource assigned to task
Task completed All project members
Task copied Resource assigned to task
Task removed All project members

Planning area

Dataset modification Persons notified by default
Predecessor completed Resources assigned to the corresponding tasks
Activity edited Resources assigned to the corresponding tasks
Activity published Resources assigned to the corresponding tasks
Milestone published  

Document area

Dataset modification Persons notified by default
Document added All project members
Document edited All project members
Document deleted All project members

Here are some sample notifications including explanations:

Project resource added

When someone adds you as a resource to a project (e.g. as a team member, partner, customer, etc.), you will receive a notification with the following information: 

  • Person who made the change (incl. link to contact).
  • Project in which the resource was added (incl. link to the project)

Project resource removed

If someone removes you from a project as a resource, you will receive a notification about it:

  • Person who made the change (incl. link to contact)
  • Project (incl. link to the project)

Project note added

Project managers automatically receive a notification when someone has added a project note. For each note, you can also select other people or groups that should also be notified about the project note. The notification contains the following information:

  • Person who added the note (incl. link to the contact)
  • Project in which the note was added (incl. link to the project) 
  • Content of note

Task resource added

When someone adds you as a resource to a task you will receive a notification about it:

  • Person who added you to the task (incl. link to the contact
  • Project in which the task is located (incl. link to the project)
  • Task in which you were added as a resource (incl. link to the task)

Task edited

When a task has been edited, the resource assigned to the task receives a notification with the following information: 

  • Person who edited the task (incl. link to contact)
  • Project in which the task is located (incl. link to the project)
  • Task name (incl. link to the task)
  • Changes made to the task

NOTE Collective notifications: If you are eligible for multiple notifications for a project, they will be combined into one email and listed one after the other. 

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