
Lei è qui: InLoox Project management glossary Communication

Kommunikation ist ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor im Projektmanagement

Communication is key in project management. For a successful project execution, effective communication to all stakeholders is essential. Many projects fail because of a lack of communication or an ineffective one. Communication is best defined as the exchange of information and the expression of ideas, thoughts and feelings by using words and other methods. In the project management context this means the exchange of knowledge, skills and experience.

These are the three communication areas in project management:

  • Internal information exchange (decision-making process, conduction of meetings, daily scrums etc.)
  • Information management (relevant project information is communicated to all project stakeholders, changes to the project are communicated etc.)
  • Project marketing (project presentation and display to employees, customers, sponsors etc.)

It is very important that the project manager decides the communication strategy from the very beginning of a project. The following questions should be considered: Does communication facilitate the achievement of goals and objectives? Who is the target audience of the communication and information transfer? Which communication channels should be used? 

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