Project portfolio

Lei è qui: InLoox Project management glossary Project portfolio

Coordination of a company's important projects

Project portfolio coordinates different important projects of the company. The projects are assigned in one organization and are relevant each other (textual, resources and contractual).

The term project portfolio management is also often used. It represents the management of the particular projects that are included in the portfolio. The objects are therefore to better handle their organization, to provide an overview of all projects and to define their priority, which increases their economic effectiveness. As usual, the project portfolio management starts with the organization. It is a list of the projects to be managed with the required information, which is important for analysis and comparison, and contains the duration, costs, objects, strategies etc. The project portfolio is compiled according to the listed criteria and then the projects are analyzed and estimated with the help of the given information. The projects with the high priority are strongly supported. The projects that have no need to be supported are aso included in this list. The project team should regularly analyze the projects in the portfolio for the good estimation.

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