
Lei è qui: InLoox Project management glossary Leadership

Anleitung der Projektmitarbeiter

Leadership is one of the main areas in project management. It is a process by which the project manager influences the project team to behave in manner that will facilitate project goal achievement. This important task, which is to be considered as methodic and consequent, requires particular personal qualifications and leadership competencies. On the one hand, the professional leadership fulfills a task-oriented function – goal achievement. On the other hand, the leadership has also person-oriented function – to coordinate the efficient project staff organization and the project group motivation to avoid the conflicts, which tends to the lower productivity or a project delay.

Instructions, order, authorization, goal agreement, performance assessment, result controls, management dialog, development meeting, feedback, praise and also personnel measures such as employee exchange are all leadership tools in the project management. The communication takes a central position between these tools. These leadership tools are also used in the company. As a rule, the project manager is not a hierarchical supervisor. The leadership in the project essentially differences from the leadership on the line. Each project team is multidisciplinary with different cultural and professional background. The task of the project manager is to tune team performance. The project manager lacks such leadership tools as dissuasion, admonishment, salary increase, advancement and dismissal etc. These tools are possible for the line managers or only with the coordination with them.

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