
Lei è qui: InLoox Project management glossary Resource

Ressourcen sind Personal und Sachmittel für das Projekt

Instead of the term “ assets”, the term “resource” is often used in project management. Resources describe the personnel and material means necessary to achieve defined project goals, the execution of activities or tasks within a certain period of time. The resources for a project are understood to be operating resources, funds, energy or people.

The task of project management is to use the resources as effectively and efficiently as possible and to plan the workload. Their deployment time should be as limited as possible due to the planning effort involved. Resource planning consists of planning and scheduling personnel, consumables, machine running times or tools as required. The project should correspond to the planned schedule and the resources should be utilized simultaneously. The planned deadlines should also be adhered to and costs should be minimized.

Ressourcenauslastung unterhalb Gantt-Planung

Image: Resource Planning in InLoox © InLoox GmbH

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