Plan/actual comparison

Lei è qui: InLoox Project management glossary Plan/actual comparison

A means of project controlling

Variance analysis assesses the variance between actual values or services and expected values and is a form of the project controlling. The process of the comparison between actual and expected events is also known as deviation analysis. If the results are better as actual, the deviation is then positive. In other case, they are negative or underperformance of the object. The knowledge of this analysis is considered in the future planning process in order to avoid other plan deviations.

The deviation analysis is disassembled into parts of deviation. There are the following steps in this analysis. First, the achieved actual values are compared with the planned one and with the help of the deviation analysis the correction decisions and measures are recommended. The analysis realizes the original corporate objects or leads to the new one during the correction process. Any deviation is thereby explained and a basis for the corrector measures is therefore made.

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